Friday, April 17, 2009

Lagoon in the Public Garden

Photos taken April 16, 2009.

Above: Looking across the lagoon, the Hancock Tower provides a backdrop for the historic Arlington Street Church steeple.

Below left: The ducklings island on the right with the sun reflecting off the Taj Hotel (formerly, the Ritz).

Below right: The office towers that ring Beacon Hill are the backdrop to the lagoon.

Below left: The Taj and Hancock Towers are in the left background behind the lagoon. This same view in winter, with the lagoon frozen and snow-covered, is the 4th photo in my post "Scenes of Winter in Boston".

Below right: Sunset on the lagoon silhouettes the ducks at the water's edge.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Urban Rails

Rail yard in Worcester, March 2008:

Above: Street tracks, elevated tracks, Causeway Street in Boston (from archieves of University of Connecticut)

Below: Trolley stop in Lowell, Massachusetts

Above: Compromise joint bar connects rail of different thicknesses. On the left is 115RE rail and on the right 100NH rail.

Below: Locomotives in the Providence and Worcester Railroad yard, Worcester, Massachuestts, March 2008.

Below: Tracks at train station in Bridgeport, Connecticut.